About PhaseIReports.com
PhaseIReports.com is the best way for busy professionals and businesses to obtain Phase I or 2 environmental reports at the absolute best quality and price available to them. We are not a middle man or broker. We are the online division of Environmental Managers, a full service environmental consulting firm headquartered in Los Angeles, California.
What is a Phase I report?
A Phase I report is an investigation carried out by a registered professional to discover potential environmental hazards that pose future risks to a property. This is typically performed during a real estate transaction for the benefit of both the lender and the borrower. A Phase I report is usually required on all commercial loans, however each financial institution has there own guidelines as to when a Phase I report is required. Many prudent buyers choose to get a Phase I report before actually closing the deal. This is a great way to mitigate risk and minimize wasted time and efforts that would have been spent attempting to purchase a property you later find out is an environmental hazard. Additionally, someone purchasing a property may be unknowingly buying a contaminated site, and when discovered the owner would be fully responsible for clean-up (remediation) . This is why obtaining a quality Phase I report is so vital, especially for the buyer of a property. It’s always a smart idea to know what your are buying, and a Phase I report will help offer a broader scope and understanding of a property and its potential for environmental hazards.
What is involved in a Phase I Report?
A Phase I Report includes:
Onsite investigation
-An onsite inspection
-Document any hazardous materials/ hazardous waste stored onsite or nearby.
Historical Research
-Historical aerial photographs
-Reverse street directories
-Current and past building permits
-Current and past planning records
-Topographical maps
-Sanborn fire insurance maps
-Department of Oil and Gas maps.
-Title Information
Geology and Hydrogeology
-Soil nature and type
-Groundwater flow and depth
-Geological setting
Regulatory Research
-A review of city, state and federal agency records including but not limited to:
-Building/ Planning/ Zoning Departments
-Regional Water Quality Control Board
-Environmental Health Department
-Public Works Department
-Air Pollution Control District
-Fire Department
-Sanitation Department
Interviews and Document Review
-Interview Site Tenant(s) and Owner(s)
-Interview State and Local Regulators
-A Review of Past Reports (if available)